Today I got the chance to watch the movie; it is a creatively plotted film. Some view it as modern day depiction of great Hindu epic 'Mahabharat', while others watch it as Bollywood's version of 'Godfather'. It is indeed true that the characters resemble the both. Contrary to all the views, me 'The Insatiable' sees it as a tragic love story. I see it as a film that depicts the contemporary Love that is 'Love for Success'. This new love is embedded in almost every heart of modern society.
All the characters of the film are depicted in grey shade. The hero too has grey shades, unlike typical filmy hero with white character wining over the villain with all blacks. I don’t know if it was true in the historical epic but it is very true in our society. Where grey is become more acceptable and achievements are becoming the only parameter to measure the success, where victors write the history. This new love for winning the power, position, money, fame etc is diminishing the white methods of achievements.
Irrespective of our education, our class, our caste, our industry or which ever strata we belong to, we have the some intensity of love to be a victor. This intense love of ours is taking our hero towards the greyer shades. This success of darker shade is engulfing the utopian 'Love for Love', which was righteousness of method, whiteness of character and the truth of our hero. This new race for victory, for sake of victory is cancerous.
Truly, Cinema is the mirror of society. Prakash Jha's (director) mirror in not only reflective but refractive, which depicts the future in history. He creatively highlights the path on which our society is heading, has the trait of cancer. Of course the victors will write the history but do we know there is a world beyond victory. A world that is driven by the truthfulness of method and means. The power we achieve is surely important but not more than the path that we choose to achieve the power.
I understand you will find my views idealistic and impractical. I still believe the driving force of our society should be method based and not result based. Amongst all the Grey characters, the director shows a ray of hope. The two beautiful women shown as the example of extreme white characters. These mothers are our hope as they know that beyond Life lies the Death.
I am optimistic, and YOU….?