Being married in Kashmir I got a chance to meet the people of the valley closer than other Indians. My perspective has definitely changed after my visits to Kashmir. Recent political developments in Kashmir are disturbing but the way both state and union governments have responded are even more disheartening because...
Neglecting the fact that naxals are killing Jawans, Indian government has avoided using Army against them, arguing that they are our people (Indian). Contrarily, in Kashmir India is deploying army and killing stone pelters. Are these protesters killing any one? We need army to control protester in Kashmir while we don't need them for the Maoists in red Jungles. If Kashmiri's are not Indian then how can Kashmir be India's?
For last few days media has been promoting audio tapes of separatist leaders plotting and financing these protests. Their involvement is subject of investigation but the real question is why does the Kashmiri youth respond to their calls. The youth is responding because of the deep resentment against ignorant Indian state.
Being an Indian, it is indeed unpleasant to hear anti-India slogans but I will prefer to be honest Indian than unjust Indian. I would like my country to listen to the voice of Kashmir and address their issues with a big and open heart. I want history to remember our India as a Real Democracy than a Fake one.
A few hour back even i was talking, why India doesn't take any measure to control the Naxals who are killing the CRPF Personals at will while stone-pelting of Kashmir's youths isn't so grave - it can only cause injuries which do not need an AMRY to control.
Actually the democratic India has showing double standard and media is somewhat using the propaganda of call trace/men using woman and kids as shield et al.
I agree Khalid and this behavior of state is adding to the resentment. Besides all this is hurting me personally as it is delaying the trip of my family.
I agree with what you have penned here. I would appreciate it more if you could post statistics on your next post here or update this one.
I am certain though that more people are killed in the whole nation by naxalites than by people pelting stone. Having those numbers up here would be great.
As an Indian I am disappointed at the fact that naxalites are treated will lesser force just because they are born Indians.
Nothing to comment but here is comment of a person which i came across in paper"Indian Express of 7th July 2010".
"Unless you have been to Kashmir and interacted with locals you won't get it.It is convenient to believe that this is a prob created by a vocal minority of separatists,or that development will solve the issue.The desire for independence from India is widespread in Kashmir,and if we are honest with ourselves,we will realize that the Kashmiri struggle is not very different from Tibetan struggle or the Palestinian struggle,simply because India is too powerful for Kashmir to succeed does not make the people ,who want independence into terrorists-in their minds they r still freedom fighters.we can make them stay in their houses by imposing a curfew,but we cannot put a curfew on their thoughts.And that is where we lose the BATTLE.It is not like the Khalistan struggle which was purely external sponsored.It is very much a peoples movement in Kashmir.We must accept this reality.I am an INDIAN HINDU and PATRIOTIC.I am not just blind to an inconvenient truth"
@Nuzhat - I totally I agree with Indian Express as only 15-20% in people in valley vote during elections. Means more than 80% people boycott the elections, clearly indicating the depth of resentments against India. My concern is amicable solution to the issue, no matter who looses...
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